
发布日期:2022-04-18     浏览次数:次   

地址:澳门沙金在线平台化学与化工学院,翔安校区,能源楼2号 2317房间


硕博连读 2009-2015 北京理工大学

访问学生 2012-2014 纽约市立大学皇后学院

博士   2014-2019 纽约市立大学研究生院

博士后  2019-2021 哥德堡大学化学与分子生物学院

副教授  2022-   至今澳门沙金在线平台



  1. 1. K. Hu, K. L. V. Long, A. Hatamie and A. G. Ewing “Quantifying Intracellular Single Vesicular Catecholamine Concentration with Open Carbon Nanopipettes to Unveil the Effect of L‐DOPA on Vesicular Structure”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, e202113406.

  2. 2. K. Hu, E. Relton, N. Locker, N. T. N. Phan and A. G. Ewing “Electrochemical Measurements Reveal Reactive Oxygen Species in Stress Granules”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 28, 15302-15306.

  3. 3. K. Hu, R. Jia, A. Hatamie, K. L. V. Long, M. V. Mirkin and A. G. Ewing “Correlating Molecule Count and Release Kinetics with Vesicular Size Using Open Carbon Nanopipettes”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 40, 16910– 16914.

  4. 4. K. Hu, Y. Li, S. Rotenberg, C. Amatore and M. V. Mirkin “Electrochemical Measurements of Reactive Oxygen and Ni-trogen Species Inside Single Phagolysosomes of Living Macrophages”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 11, 4564-4568.

  5. 5. Y. Li#, K. Hu#, Y. Yu, S. Rotenberg, C. Amatore and M. V. Mirkin “Direct Electrochemical Measurements of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Nontransformed and Metastatic Human Breast Cells”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 13055-13062. (# contributed equallly)

  6. 6. K. Hu, T.D. K. Nguyen, S. Rabasco, P. E. Oomen, and A. G. Ewing, “Chemical Analysis of Single Cells and Organelles”, Anal. Chem. 2021, 1, 41–71.

  7. 7. K. Hu, D. Wang, Y. Yu, J. Bae, M. Zhou, H. Xin, M. V. Mirkin “Ultrasensitive Detection of Dopamine with Carbon Nanopipettes”, Anal.Chem. 2019, 20, 12935–12941.

  8. 8. K. Hu, Y. Wang, H. Cai, M. V. Mirkin, Y. Gao, G. Friedman, and Y. Gogotsi “Open Carbon Nanopipettes as Resistive-Pulse Sensors, Rectification Sensors and Electrochemical Nanoprobes”, Anal.Chem. 2014, 86, 8897-8901.

  9. 9. K. Hu, Y. Liu, A. Oleinick, M.V. Mirkin, W. Huang and C. Amatore “Nanoelectrodes for Intracellular Measurements of Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Single Living Cells” Curr. Opin. Electrochem. 2020, 22, 44-50.

  10. 10. K. Hu, Y. Gao, Y. Wang, Y. Yu, X. Zhao, S. A. Rotenberg, E. Gökmeşe, M. V. Mirkin, G. Friedman, and Y. Gogotsi “Platinized Carbon Nanoelectrodes as Potentiometric and Amperometric SECM Probes”, J. Solid State Electrochem. 2013, 17, 2971-2977.

  11. 11. R. Pan, K. Hu, R. Jia, S. A. Rotenberg, D. Jiang and M. V. Mirkin Resistive-Pulse Sensing Inside Single Living Cells”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 12, 5778– 5784.

  12. 12. R. Pan, K. Hu, D. Jiang, U. Samuni and M. V. Mirkin Electrochemical Resistive-Pulse Sensing”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 50, 19555– 19559.

  13. 13. W. Ma, K. Hu, Q. Chen, M. V. Mirkin and A. J. Bard “Electrochemical Size Measurement and Characterization of Electrodeposited Platinum Nanoparticles at Manometer Resolution with Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy”, Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 4354-4358.

  14. 14. C. Yang, K. Hu, D. Wang, Y. Zubi, S. T. Lee, P. Puthongkham, M. V. Mirkin, B. J. Venton “Cavity Carbon Nanopipette Electrodes for Dopamine Detection”, Anal. Chem. 2019, 7, 4618-4624

  15. 15. R. Chen, K. Hu, Y. Yu, M. V. Mirkin and S. Amemiya “Focused-Ion-Beam-Milled Carbon Nanoelectrodes for Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy”, J. Electrochem. Soc. 2016, 163, H3032-H3037.

  16. 16. M. Zhou, J. E. Dick, K. Hu, M. V. Mirkin and A. J. Bard “Ultrasensitive Electroanalysis - Femtomolar Determination of Lead, Cobalt, and Nickel”, Anal. Chem. 2018, 90, 1142-1146

  17. 17. M. Zhou, Y. Yu, K. Hu and M. V. Mirkin “Collisions of Ir Oxide Nanoparticles with Carbon Nanopipettes: Experiments with One Nanoparticle”, Anal. Chem. 2017, 89, 2880-2885.

  18. 18. Y. Yu, Y. Gao, K. Hu, P. Blanchard, J. Noël, T. Nareshkumar, K. L. Phani, G. Friedman, Y. Gogotsi and M. V. Mirkin “Electrochemistry and Electrocatalysis at Single Gold Nanoparticles Attached to Carbon Nanoelectrodes”, ChemElectroChem. 2015, 2, 58-63.

  19. 19. Z. Shao, P. Puthongkham, K. Hu, R. Jia, M. V. Mirkin and B. J. Venton “Thin Layer Cell Behavior of CNT Yarn and Cavity Carbon Nanopipette Electrodes: Effect on catecholamine detection”, Electrochim. Acta 2020, 361, 137032.

  20. 20. J. H. Bae, D. Wang, K. Hu, and M. V. Mirkin “Surface Charge Effects on Voltammetry in Carbon Nanocavities”, Anal. Chem. 2019, 9, 5530-5536.

  21. 21. M. Aref, E. Ranjbari, J.J. García-Guzmán, K. Hu, A. Lork, G.A. Crespo, A. G. Ewing, and M. Cuartero Potentiometric pH Nanosensor for Intracellular Measurements: Real-Time and Continuous Assessment of Local GradientsAnal. Chem. 2021, 47, 15744-15751.

