【卢嘉锡讲座】Han Zuilhof:Intrinsically Chiral and Multimodal Click Chemistry

发布日期:2023-03-24     浏览次数:次   



报告题目Intrinsically Chiral and Multimodal Click Chemistry

报告时间2023-03-31 10:00

报告人: Professor Han Zuilhof

Wageningen University






Click chemistry has revolutionized many facets of the molecular sciences, with the realization of reactions that are ‘‘modular, wide in scope, give very high yields, generate only inoffensive byproducts that can be removed by nonchromatographic methods and are stereospecific”.[ Kolb, H. C.; Finn, M.; Sharpless, K. B., Click chemistry: diverse chemical function from a few good reactions. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, 2004-2021.] Yet surprisingly little attention has been given to the development of intrinsically chiral click reactions (potentially enantiospecific, rather than ‘only’ enantioselective due to chiral auxiliary groups), while the modularity of many click reactions is best compared to one-dimensional LEGO.  Of course, much could be done within the constraints – hence forementioned revolution – but it drove attention towards an extension of available click chemistries.  

The talk will focus on the resulting investigations in the field of S(VI) exchange chemistry, with specific emphasis on two fields: a) the development of the intrinsically enantiospecific click reactions and their use to e.g. make synthetic polymers with 100% backbone chirality that combine stability & degradabbility,[ A) Liang, D.; Streefkerk, D.E.; Jordaan, D.; Wagemakers, J.; Baggerman, J.; Zuilhof, H. Silicon-free SuFEx reactions of sulfonimidoyl fluorides: scope, enantioselectivity, and mechanism. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 7494-7500. B) Liang, D.D.; Pujari, S.P.; Subramaniam, M.; Besten, M.; Zuilhof, H. Configurationally chiral SuFex-based polymers. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202116158. C) Chao, Y.; Krishna, A.; Subramaniam, M.; Liang, D.D.; Pujari, S.P.; Sue, A.C.H.; Li, G.; Miloserdov, F.M.; Zuilhof, H. Sulfur-Phenolate exchange: SuFEx-derived dynamic covalent reactions and degradation of SuFEx polymers. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202207456] and b) the development of multimodular click chemistry and single-polymer studies by a combination of AFM, TEM, scanning Auger microscopy (Figure 1)


Figure 1. Helical polymers obtained by multimodal click reactions.



 Han Zuilhof教授现任荷兰瓦赫宁根大学有机化学系主任,课题组研究方向主要集中在表面(生物)有机化学和生物纳米技术。他在莱顿大学获得了化学硕士学位、哲学硕士学位及有机化学博士学位(1994年,最高荣誉),并在美国罗切斯特大学和哥伦比亚大学进行了博士后研究。自1997年加入荷兰瓦赫宁根大学以来,他已发表近400篇研究论文,并拥有超过12项专利。此外,他还是沙特阿拉伯吉达阿卜杜勒阿齐兹国王大学化学工程杰出兼职教授、中国天津大学药物科学与技术学院常年杰出客座教授、LangmuirAdvanced Materials InterfacesApplied Surface Science等期刊的编辑顾问委员会成员,并于2016-2020年担任Langmuir副主编。2018年,Han Zuilhof教授因其对化学科学的杰出贡献入选为英国皇家化学学会会士,并于2021年因其对点击化学的贡献被授予英国皇家化学学会合成有机化学Robert Robinson奖。此外,他也是SurfixDx公司的创始人(2011年成立)。






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